Be sure to check out the latest active contest for more information, and instructions to join!
This was the third AI Article Writing Contest (August 16th to November 4th). It took a bit of effort to organise people interested, but proved worthwhile in the end. This was the most successful contest to date, with some tremendous submissions.
The big prize for the best article was the book "AI Game Programming Wisdom," kindly donated by the editor Steve Rabin.
"AI is one of the most challenging tasks a programmer can undertake, and this unique collection of articles provides programmers with a much-needed resource for conquering the challenge. AI Game Programming Wisdom takes an inclusive view of AI that assumes game AI involves anything an AI programmer might have to program to make intelligent characters. So, everything from basic AI architectures and learning to pathfinding, scripting, and animation selection is covered. In addition, genre..."
This has become a classic already, so why not add it to your collection?
The voting took place by the other contestants, each voting for their three other favourite articles. 4 points were attributed to the first, 2 to the second and 1 to the third. The entry with most points won.
The other entries were also of very good standard, and also had their fair share of the votes (alphabetical order).
I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to write such great articles, for participating at all, and for wanting to contribute their knowledge back to the community.
If you think you've got what it takes to do what these guys did, then find out about the latest contest now!
Alex J. Champandard
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