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Artificial Intelligence in Games

Thursday, September 13th, 2007

There’s a new site on Game AI called (feed). It features daily articles in a blog-like format, including reviews, editorials, and tutorials, not forgetting regular community discussions on game AI.
Here are some interesting posts made recently.
Machine Learning in Games
Game developers are increasingly keen to try ML techniques, but it does take some know-how […]

IBM’s Robocode: A Platform for Learning AI

Sunday, January 5th, 2003

This platform is not only a fun tool for learning how to program in Java, but is also a powerful environment for testing out AI concepts. This article is an introduction to the platform and how it
can be used for AI programming.
Written by Nick Loadholtes.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: AI Analysis

Sunday, June 30th, 2002

This in depth review covers an AI analysis of the highly acclaimed game. The techniques used are discussed from a developers point of view; working techniques and pitfalls are pointed out, along with potential improvements for the future.
Written by Alex J. Champandard.

Frankenstein: the Modern Prometheus (Book)

Sunday, June 30th, 2002

Discover how this epic story has many philosophical insights into the creation of life, and how it affects research in virtual lives. We also look into two other minor aspects of the creature’s story, and detail how they have relevant insights into Artificial Intelligence.
Written by Alex J. Champandard.

Memento (Film)

Sunday, June 30th, 2002

We’re proud to announce our first movie review here at the AI Depot. And what a way to start? A mind-bogglingly clever, entertaining film that has numerous deep insights into human intelligence and the importance of memory.
Written by Alex J. Champandard.

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