The entire site is driven by you, the people who show an active interest in Artificial Intelligence. Scary thought isn't it? Well it's just me for the moment, so anything you do is probably for the best!!
There are many ways of contributing towards this community:
- Let us know of interesting news items you find, either by posting them yourself in the Message Store, thereby taking credit for finding the information. The porn filtering system takes care of removing all the dirty posts, so you can post without any worries ;) Alternatively, you can email the link to and let us post the information.
- You can respond to questions in other threads, discuss ideas, and actively make your mark on the site. This is also done in the Message Store. It's a very useful and powerful place, as you've probably already noticed!
- Submit links to papers, books, tutorials and any other piece of information which may be of interest to the Knowledge Warehouse. Our existing databases are already among the biggest and most targetted on the web, but keep in mind that every little helps!
- If you have some practical experience you are willing to share, writting a tutorial seems a good option. The spotlight will get you respect from the community, your CV will look all the better, and you will be in the good books with the AI-depot management for the long term future ;) Email us your ideas at .
- Philosophers and thinkers may want to share some of their thoughts, and get feedback from the visitors. A good way to do that is to write an essay about pretty much anything related to Artificial Intelligence. Likewise, in the event of a change in policy you will auto-matically become a full member, you will be entered in future prize draws... Email us your ideas at .
- Finally, you can take part in a large human data-mining project. This involves adding a new field to the Knowledge Warehouse. This is a job that takes time, and some expertise in the area, but the results are extremely rewarding. If it sounds like hard work and exploitation of cheap labour, that's because it is.
And remember, you can make this work!
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