
What is Opus-Clip

Opus Clip is a generative AI tool that helps you repurpose long-talking videos into short clips in one click, for your YouTube channel or any podcast. If you’re a content creator, this is a valuable tool that can take the content you’re already making, repackage it, and then distribute it across all your social platforms.

Their AI tool analyzes your video to identify the most compelling hooks, it then extracts the relevant juicy highlights from different parts and seamlessly rearranges them into a viral short video. It’s a big promise as it does an amazing job.  It analyzes different videos it creates and gives you a virality score based on how it will perform.  It also has active speaker detection for detecting faces and things inside your videos and ensuring that things are framed correctly which is really what you will need.

Opus Clip comparison with other AI editors.

It’s super easy to use.  You can take any one of your Zoom calls, podcasts, interviews, speeches, webinars, training videos, or any long-form video and quickly turn it into tons of usable shorts that you’ll be proud to post. It will allow you to edit them once you are done and automatically post them to your social platforms.

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