Emotional Machines

By ai-depot | May 18, 2003

Reality Check: Head ache without a Head?

Once there was a stump of tree, and in the dark a thief came that way and said, "That is a police man". A young man waiting for his beloved saw it and thought that it was his sweetheart. A child who has been told about ghost stories, took it for ghost and began to shriek. But all the time it was a stump of tree.

It is the purpose of the intellect to give us a detached view against which we can assess the objective clearly and decisively. To some extent it is in the nature of technology to narrow our vision and give it focus. Tragedy comes when we forget that these limitations and that the intellect can comprehend things as whole. For many centuries, scientists worked their theories believing sun revolves round the earth.. Only later to be realizing it was exactly the opposite.

Technology views world through a slit. When a cat walks by it observes the eye, the fur and then the tail, and then it infers that the eye is the cause of the tail - unless the course the cat was walking backwards. If this sounds absurd, some of the theories about the biochemistry and behaviors use very similar reasoning.

Some one would object, "why don’t you open the door?" that’s just your black cat pacing back and forth? but instead we usually get caught up in classifying slit information, even though without a larger view of our conclusions may be wrong. To make things worse, we specialize. We call it specialization. Often we do not even talk look through a slit, we sub and sub divide the slit!. My field is the upper part of the tail, yours is the lower. he might’ve forgotten about the eye and fur. If any body asks how the eye fits in, He would refer to him to another researcher, after all what eyes have got to do with fur?

What it requires is to open the door; then the argument becomes unnecessary. Once the door is opened, even a little, we will not quarrel over whose slit is correct and whether we should confine ourselves to the top or bottom of it. As long as we see only a part of the picture, logic and argumentation can never settle an issue. When the intellect becomes calm and clear, theory gives way to the demonstration.

Although the concept of an emotional machine is day by day becoming more convincing and compelling but the concept is very raw. The idea needs to be turned and looked upon from various different sides, examined carefully, analyzed, re-analyzed, polished and delivered again. Success needs as much attention to the means of work as to its end. Our defect in vision is that we are drawn so much to the ideal, the goal is so much enchanting, so much more alluring that we lose sight of details altogether. It is just like pottery. If the idea is stronger, it will carry the resiliency later. The shine and enthusiasm is there; the means are some how later, deeper, after processing.

Concepts are conceived and driven by the needs, nature and human behavior. Society supports all the concepts, which become followers of economy or progress. The great industrial revolution was flourished by mechanical ideas of machines of developing how things would work and what machines could do to improve our lives. Today, we are involved in the technology that will take us soaring further, again upwards and towards the top!

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