Artificial Life: A Programmer’s Perspective

By ai-depot | August 23, 2002

Looking at the abstractions of biological processes as computational algorithms, this essay offers insights into the creation of life from a developers approach. Conway’s game of life is described, along with many other applications that spawn life from the bottom up.

Written by Rinku Dewri.

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Natural Language Processing Overview

By ai-depot | August 16, 2002

Introduces readers to NLP, familiarising them with the common terminology. The major aspects of understanding English sentences are described in order, including morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics.

Written by Andy Coates.

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Demystifying AI in Everyday Life

By ai-depot | August 16, 2002

Shows how AI can provide computers with a set of rules for decisions-making, in a fashion similar to humans. Such AI systems gather information, filter it discarding irrelevant details, and produce an answer suited to solving the problem at hand.

Written by Nick Loadholtes.

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Artificial Intelligence in Game Design

By ai-depot | August 16, 2002

With important upcoming video games focusing on single player only, it can be surmised that game designers know the importance of AI. Its important roles in design are narrowed down to three, and analysed further.

Written by Tim Schreiner.

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Emergent Intelligence

By ai-depot | August 16, 2002

Looking into biologically inspired models of ant colonies, this article shows how artificial systems can recapture their emergent properties in order to efficiently solve optimisations problems. Theoretical and practical explanations are provided.

Written by Danilo Benzatti.

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