Minimax Explained

By ai-depot | July 28, 2002

Discusses how search can be applied to logic games with full information. Game trees are described, as well as an algorithm that can search them. Pseudo code is given and optimisations like alpha-beta are explained.

Written by Paulo Pinto.

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Game Trees in Realtime Games

By ai-depot | July 23, 2002

Examines how heuristic game tree search can be used in videogames like real-time strategy games. Written from the viewpoint of both AI programmers and gamers, the article provides an over view of concepts as well as a description and analysis of the algorithm.

Written by Marco van de Wijdeven.

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Genetic Algorithms Overview

By ai-depot | July 20, 2002

Starting by an introduction of the terminology, the article quickly progresses into biological inspiration and example manifestations of evolution. A computational description is then given, along with potential applications of the technology.

Written by Michael Skinner.

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Finite State Machines (FSM)

By ai-depot | July 8, 2002

Provides a practical introduction to FSM, within the context of AI as a control technique. The emphasis is placed on practicality both in definition and explanation, rather than heavy theoretical or mathematical concepts.

Written by Jason Brownlee.

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein: AI Analysis

By ai-depot | June 30, 2002

This in depth review covers an AI analysis of the highly acclaimed game. The techniques used are discussed from a developers point of view; working techniques and pitfalls are pointed out, along with potential improvements for the future.

Written by Alex J. Champandard.

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