Artificial Intelligence in Games
By alexjc | September 13, 2007
There’s a new site on Game AI called (feed). It features daily articles in a blog-like format, including reviews, editorials, and tutorials, not forgetting regular community discussions on game AI.
Here are some interesting posts made recently.
Machine Learning in Games
Game developers are increasingly keen to try ML techniques, but it does take some know-how and experience.
- The Secret to Building Game AI that Learns Realistically
- Alternatives to Online Learning for Actor Behaviors
- Game AI: Beauty and the Beast
Hierarchical Planning & Behavior Trees
Planners have proven themselves very effective in recent games, and hierarchical planners are the next logical step.
- Understanding Behavior Trees
- A Technical Overview of Game::AI++
- The Motivation Behind Game::AI++
Conference Coverage also has summaries of recent events, very useful for catching up with what went on…
- AIIDE ‘07 Conference Coverage
- Pushing the Limits of Game AI Technology
- Apply AI 2007 Roundtable Report
Be sure to check out the site/blog if you’re interested in game AI!
Tags: none
Category: review | 2 Comments »
More AI Content & Format Preference Poll
By alexjc | April 17, 2007
Most of my time these days is spent updating the artificial intelligence knowledge part of the website. Two brand-new overviews of AI techniques have been published recently, complete with pseudo-code and graphics:
You can subscribe to articles like these by signing up for the combined artificial intelligence feed. Be sure to let me know (using the form below) if you have a particular topic at heart so we can bump it up the list of things to write about.
On a related note, I’m exploring ways to liven up this kind of content and drag it kicking and screaming into the world of Web 2.0. I would appreciate your feedback on the subject:

Any comments are also welcome on the subject.
Tags: content, knowledge, poll, web 2.0
Category: announcement | 1 Comment »
What’s Your Biggest Question about Artificial Intelligence?
By alexjc | April 7, 2007
Is there anything you want to know about artificial intelligence? If so, fill in our AI survey online; it’s only one question. You can be as brief or expressive as you like.
As artificial intelligence enthusiasts and developers, we’re interested in hearing what you have to say. There are lots of ideas and content in the pipeline for the AI Depot, but we’re particularly interested in what you want from us.
Those of you who fill in the questionnaire will get exclusive access to the new content before anyone else! You also get the satisfaction of knowing you helped out in shaping the future direction of this site.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you, but be sure to subscribe to our new artificial intelligence feed to hear from us daily!
Tags: question, survey
Category: announcement | 8 Comments »
The Easy Way to Extract Useful Text from Arbitrary HTML
By alexjc | April 5, 2007
You’ve finally got your hands on the diverse collection of HTML documents you needed. But the content you’re interested in is hidden amidst adverts, layout tables or formatting markup, and other various links. Even worse, there’s visible text in the menus, headers and footers that you want to filter out. If you don’t want to write a complex scraping program for each type of HTML file, there is a solution.
This article shows you how to write a relatively simple script to extract text paragraphs from large chunks of HTML code, without knowing its structure or the tags used. It works on news articles and blogs pages with worthwhile text content, among others…
Do you want to find out how statistics and machine learning can save you time and effort mining text?
Tags: machine learning, neural network, python, scraping, statistics, text mining
Category: tutorial | 10 Comments »
AI Knowledge At Your Fingertips
By alexjc | March 30, 2007
Forgive the promotion, but there have been more changes on the site — and I’m quite proud of the result! The artificial intelligence knowledge warehouse has undergone a facelift, brought into the modern world of Web 2.0. All the content is accessible via topic tags, with the list of items sorted by their popularity. Each item can be rated individually using the traditional voting button, and you can post comment about each submission. Where available, a introduction to the topics is also displayed.
I’ve added quite a number of links and topic descriptions already, and will continue to do so over the next few weeks. Feel free to contribute if you have a favourite site, or a personal link to promote. You can easily submit links to artificial intelligence resources via the submit tab menu, and instantly make your contribution available to thousands of AI enthusiasts daily.
Current content submissions, and those in the pipeline include:
Artificial intelligence tutorials, essays and articles.
Lecture slides, or white papers relating to AI.
Online books or videos discussing artificial intelligence.
On a related note, be sure to get your latest Artificial Intelligence News over here. If you subscribe to the RSS feed for the front page ai news, there are usually 2-4 AI stories daily. The voting system is running smoothly, so the content stays much more relevant!
Ok, enough public announcements for today. Back to more normal AI commentaries in a few days… Stay tuned for even more improvements and big changes on the AI Depot!
Tags: ai-depot, artificial intelligence, knowledge, resources, web 2.0
Category: announcement | No Comments »